A changing appetite

A changing appetite picture

I am surrounded by family and friends who place a high premium on physical health. Often in my engagement with them, I have found that they emphasize the need to remain fit and they make no secret of the physical gains they have achieved. Some painstakingly ensure that they get the proper amount of nutrients when consuming every meal. Thus, their awareness of what they eat is crucial and they live by the mantra that you are what you eat.

I realized months ago that often in a moment of weakness or when going through turmoil some have dropped their guard and started to deviate from their disciplined eating plans. Gradually they lost track of what they have consumed and soon they carry the weight on their hips, and elsewhere, because of those moments of vulnerability. Thus, I was further led to understand that the same applies to one’s spiritual walk. It became clear to me that a change in my spiritual life necessitated a drastic change in what I digested spiritually. I, therefore, made a conscious decision to banish from my life the delicacies that previously fed the flesh and that served as no real benefit to that which is spiritual. 

A practical example of what I am referring to is my refusal to watch any movie or series for the past three months. Instead, I decided to only listen to praise and worship music as well as to only watch or listen to the ministry of God’s Word. Let me point out from the onset that I do not frown upon anyone watching movies or series. Yet, it became important to me to cleanse my pallet from the cuisine that fed my flesh through entertainment yet left me spiritually malnourished. What I have discovered in the process is that I have lost my desire for those activities. In addition, I have discovered that my spirit has become sensitive to what it daily encounters and that there is a constant desire for everything wholesome. Foremost to that is the desire constantly for the Presence of God.

One of the further aspects I have discovered is found in 1 Corinthians 10 verse 13: “No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to humankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it”. 

I have often heard some say in the face of giving into temptation that they did it because they are merely human. Scripture does not discount the fact that we are human, however, it makes us aware that the temptation presented to us has not overtaken us and that they are ones common to mankind. Yet, the faithfulness of God would not allow us to be tempted beyond what we can bear. Thus, when we are tempted, He provides a way out to ensure it. There is a way out – exit signs abound. I have therefore gratefully sensitized myself to the moments when temptation comes to make a clear exit. I guess it now makes more sense that Joseph when tempted by Potiphar’s wife, he fled. He simply could not sin against God or against his own body (Genesis 39). I realize that by today’s standards Joseph would be viewed as a weakling, he would be the laughingstock of the world. The picture of Mrs. Potiphar standing with his cloak in her hand and Joseph running out of the house makes no sense in our current context. But it should. Because purity matters. Holiness before God matters. He is holy and requires us to be holy.

A further discipline I have had to develop is that whenever I see something happening in the world, it does not require my opinion. There are of course moments when one cannot be silent or merely stand on the side-line. Social media is riddled with people’s opinions. Even if some of those opinions reflect foolishness, it is still shared. And very soon one is led down a path where it is the loudest voice desiring to win the argument and soon one forgets the heart of the issue because it has become personal. Thus, I have portioned my plate so that I much rather pray for the world than feel the need to judge. I am way too imperfect to feel the need to be anyone’s Judge. That seat is only reserved for the Lord. So, I pray, and I listen. I listen to the leading of the Holy Spirit and what He wants to achieve through me. 

I have come to the realization that a renewed mind begins with an intentional desire to watch what one consumes spiritually. I can determine what I wish to allow into my spirit. In fact, I cannot expect to experience deeper dimensions of the Holy Spirit if I allow trash to enter through my eyes and my ears into my spirit. Neither can I allow my soul to dictate how I live a Christ-centred life. In fact, I need to bring my entire being into submission to Him who has taken up His dwelling inside of me. Truthfully, I desire nothing more than to echo the words from Psalm 73 verse 26: “…but God is my strength and my portion forever”.




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